Yesterday was Abigail's 7th birthday! Where have the years gone? It seems like such a short time ago that we were bringing her home from the hospital. She was born Wednesday, February 28, at around 10:30 a.m. She was such a sweet baby. She made my debut into motherhood an easy transition. She slept through the night at about 4 weeks, gave up her bottle at about 9 months, never would take a pacifier, loved to sleep on Daddy's chest. I rocked her to sleep for every nap and every night till she was well over 1 year old. Oh, the sweet memories writing this brings back! Abby is still a sweetie pie. She is a people pleaser, who is not completely happy if you are not happy. She is truly a gift from God and I am so thankful for the precious little lady she is becoming.
Abby's birthday cake. Ms. Homemade Goodness was out of town, so Walmart made the cake. It was surprisingly good. Just not as good as Ivey's!!!
Baby doll clothes Grandma made for her dolls.
Hello Kitty radio, cd & cassette player from mama & daddy
Papa & Grandma Tyndall playing a Connect 4 game that was from Granny & Aunt Barbara Jean.
Grandparents were the guests for the birthday celebration. The menu was hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, potato salad, pink lemonade, cake & birthday cake ice cream. All Abby's idea, by the way. Everyone had fun celebrating one of the sweetest little girls in the world!