
January 21, 2010

Midweek Madness

Does the middle of the week seem hectic to anyone besides me? Andrew had to take his parents to Florida, so it's just me and the kiddies! And yesterday was Andrew's birthday. Happy 29!!!

Tuesday night was PTC at Mt. Zion Christian Academy. Abby made all A's except for a B+ in Cursive Writing. But I think that's great for a 6 year old! YEAH, Abby!! : ) She was proud of herself, as she should be!

Abby doing homework
Abigail loves to play around on the piano. I talked to a lady about giving her lessons, but she thought it might be best to wait one more year. I hope she stays as interested in playing as she is now.
Nathanael is my little cowboy. Doesn't he look tough? : )

Just us relaxing!

All my Christmas decorations are still up. I know, that's terrible, right? I hope to be able to take them all down tonight, though.

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