
January 25, 2010

Oh, the joy of sins forgiven!!!!

It has been a truly wonderful weekend!! Andrew got home from Florida early Saturday evening. Can you tell Abby & Nathanael were glad to see him? They sure do love their Daddy!
For supper he wanted Homemade Vegetable Soup and a birthday cake, since he was gone Wednesday, his actual birthday. So, of course, I made him one.
I know, it's not a traditional birthday cake. But a traditional birthday cake maker, I am not! Besides, this kind of cake is his favorite. Chocolate cake with chocolate icing. Yummy!!!!!
I saw these tulips at the grocery store and had to get them! Tulips are one of my favorites. They just look like spring! I brought them home, arranged them in a vase and put them on my dining room table. Andrew likes for me to have fresh flowers in the house.

Abby and Nathanael waiting for Daddy to get home. They love their Leapsters!!
Sunday was a wonderful day! After the sermon at church Sunday morning, a couple came to the altar and God so wonderfully saved them!! There was such a sweet, sweet spirit. I think about the song
" There's a sweet, sweet spirit in this place; and I know that it's the presence of the Lord. There are sweet expressions on each face....."
At YFC Sunday night, our YFC leader asked us to define "grace". We got the usual definitions of "God's unmerited favor", but I like how our leader described it.
Oh, what a merciful and gracious God we have! His mercy surely is from everlasting to everlasting!!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog design is so cute. I love the springy colors and that polka-dot ribbon through the middle. And I loved reading through your posts!
    oh - and thanks for following my blogs too!
