
August 5, 2010

Addition & Subtraction

We recently had a few additions to our family. Four fish and a snail. We were in Walmart Monday night and the kids saw the fish and started begging for some! Well, I caved and bought an aquarium, all the little decorations, 4 fish and a snail. Abby & Nathanael wanted to name them so we did. We had Color Man (N), Spark (A), Sugar Ball (A), Gilbert (me), and Pokey the Snail (me). Tuesday morning Gilbert and Sugar Ball were already dead. By noon, Color Man was kicked the bucket, too. So we did what any good, sensitive pet owners do when their beloved extended family members die. We flushed them down the toilet. Nathanael & Abby really got a kick out of taking turns doing the flushing. HA!!!! We still have 1 fish, Spark, and Pokey the Snail. They seem to be doing good, although they seem lonely. Oh, well.

School starts back in just a couple of weeks on August 19. I'm ready in a way, and in another way not ready! Neither of the kids are!

Can't wait to see you next week, Olivia!!!!


  1. YEA!! I know! I'm SOOOOO excited. Lol about those fish. Too funny. You should have named them swirly, glub-glub-glub, and bye-bye. ha!
